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Overcoming the Revival of 'Hamanism' (Purim 5781)
Ridiculousness is one of the central characteristics of Purim. On this holiday, we are not afraid to be silly and absurd. We don funny...

Of Masks and Plagues (Purim 5780)
Time has a knack for irony. The last of Chronos’ practical jokes: making us celebrate a holiday in which we disguise ourselves, in the...

From Shushan to Sarajevo (Purim 5779)
A 19-year-old boy was arguably the most influential person in the 20th century and, most probably, you’ve never heard of him. His name...

Purim: Shame, Power, and Dumb Luck
What if we are wrong about Purim? What if Purim is not the joyful holiday that we think it is, but a mordant exercise in self-criticism,...

Did Haman Have a Point?
Maybe what Haman wanted wasn’t so bad after all. He yearned for a homogeneous society, one in which people think the same thoughts, obey...

The Haman Within: Purim 5776
Purim is a holiday in which we are not afraid to be ridiculous. We don funny costumes; we drink ourselves into oblivion; we are...

Purim, the Beauty of Difference
Purim is arguably one of the merriest holidays of the Jewish calendar. Because of that, perhaps, we don’t often reflect on its deep...
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