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At Home in the World? (Sukkot 5780)
Until now, I’ve always felt at home in the world. I have lived in five different countries and visited close to a hundred. I’ve always...

Rivers, Rain, and Morality (Sukkot 5779)
Is there a relationship between Israel’s dependence on rain and the traits and values we developed as a people? Golda Meir famously...

Sukkot: Don’t Read This—It’s Utterly Futile
The choice of Kohelet for Sukkot is a curious one. Sukkot is supposed to be the most joyous festival in our calendar, and yet, on it we...

The Strength of Our Fragility During the Chag
Jewish tradition has a lot of paradoxes, but Sukkot is probably the biggest of them all. Yom Kippur probably hired PR consultants to make...
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